Message from President
Message from President
The Malaysian Oil, Gas and Energy Services Council (MOGSC), the largest industry association representing the interests of the Oil, Gas and Energy Industry in Malaysia was established almost 20 years ago in 2003. MOGSC’s main mission is to promote, create awareness, increase the profile and visibility of our members. Now, the association has more than 500 corporate and associate members from every segment of the Oil, Gas & Energy supply chain. Therefore, this website represents the biggest compilation of Oil, Gas & Energy companies operating in Malaysia. This MOGSC website serves to showcase the association activities, list and promote our members, their profile, capabilities and business offerings. We welcome stakeholders and interested parties, both local and international, organizations and Government agencies to use this website as a reference of information on the available services and products offerings provided by Oil & Gas Services and Equipment (OGSE) companies established in Malaysia. For more information on MOGSC, our objectives, activities, working groups and list of members, do refer to all the details provided in this website.
At the National level, MOGSC represents the voice of the OGSE industry in different platforms. We are the appointed Industry Lead Body for the Oil & Gas Industry by the Department of Skills Development, under the Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia. In this role, we assist in developing the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) for the Malaysia Skills Certificate (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia – SKM). MOGSC is also the appointed Technology Expert Panel representing Oil & Gas Technology in the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT), a professional body that gives professional recognition to technologists and technicians in related technology and technical fields. At the Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp), another agency under the Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia, MOGSC represents the Oil, Gas & Energy Industry in the Sectorial Training Committee. HRD Corp is responsible for driving Malaysia’s talent development aspirations through the collection of levies from employers and the funding of training and development programmes for the Malaysian workforce.
In addition to the above, we work closely, engage and collaborate with other industry associations, government agencies and chambers of commerce to organize various events through-out the year including forums, workshops, technical visits and social events.

The Malaysian Oil, Gas and Energy Services Council (MOGSC), the largest industry association representing the interests of the Oil, Gas and Energy Industry in Malaysia was established almost 20 years ago in 2003. MOGSC’s main mission is to promote, create awareness, increase the profile and visibility of our members. Now, the association has more than 500 corporate and associate members from every segment of the Oil, Gas & Energy supply chain. Therefore, this website represents the biggest compilation of Oil, Gas & Energy companies operating in Malaysia. This MOGSC website serves to showcase the association activities, list and promote our members, their profile, capabilities and business offerings. We welcome stakeholders and interested parties, both local and international, organizations and Government agencies to use this website as a reference of information on the available services and products offerings provided by Oil & Gas Services and Equipment (OGSE) companies established in Malaysia. For more information on MOGSC, our objectives, activities, working groups and list of members, do refer to all the details provided in this website.
At the National level, MOGSC represents the voice of the OGSE industry in different platforms. We are the appointed Industry Lead Body for the Oil & Gas Industry by the Department of Skills Development, under the Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia. In this role, we assist in developing the National Occupational Skills Standard (NOSS) for the Malaysia Skills Certificate (Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia – SKM). MOGSC is also the appointed Technology Expert Panel representing Oil & Gas Technology in the Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT), a professional body that gives professional recognition to technologists and technicians in related technology and technical fields. At the Human Resource Development Corporation (HRD Corp), another agency under the Ministry of Human Resources, Malaysia, MOGSC represents the Oil, Gas & Energy Industry in the Sectorial Training Committee. HRD Corp is responsible for driving Malaysia’s talent development aspirations through the collection of levies from employers and the funding of training and development programmes for the Malaysian workforce.
In addition to the above, we work closely, engage and collaborate with other industry associations, government agencies and chambers of commerce to organize various events through-out the year including forums, workshops, technical visits and social events.
The new MOGSC Executive Committee line-up for the 2022-2024 term has established that MOGSC’s main priority moving forward is to be proactive and effective in managing stakeholders with three (3) strategic and impactful interactions with:
- Industry Players
- PETRONAS (as the National Oil Company) and Petroleum Arrangement Contractors (PAC)
- Relevant Government Ministries and Agencies.
MOGSC will also have four (4) key focus areas to ensure that the industry needs can be addressed, leading to the establishment of a sustainable execution plan through:
- Addressing Liquidity in the Market
- Fair and Sustainable Contracting Mechanism
- Championing Local Industry Participation and International Expansion
- Advocacy for Energy Transition and Transformation
We hope that this website will be beneficial for those seeking information on MOGSC member’s capabilities and expertise. Feel free to contact our members directly for more information on their services and products or you may also contact us with any enquiries. We look forward to facilitating strategic alliances, partnerships and business networking with MOGSC members.
Warm Regards,
The Malaysian Oil, Gas & Energy Services Council (MOGSC)
The new MOGSC Executive Committee line-up for the 2022-2024 term has established that MOGSC’s main priority moving forward is to be proactive and effective in managing stakeholders with three (3) strategic and impactful interactions with:
- Industry Players
- PETRONAS (as the National Oil Company) and Petroleum Arrangement Contractors (PAC)
- Relevant Government Ministries and Agencies.
MOGSC will also have four (4) key focus areas to ensure that the industry needs can be addressed, leading to the establishment of a sustainable execution plan through:
- Addressing Liquidity in the Market
- Fair and Sustainable Contracting Mechanism
- Championing Local Industry Participation and International Expansion
- Advocacy for Energy Transition and Transformation
We hope that this website will be beneficial for those seeking information on MOGSC member’s capabilities and expertise. Feel free to contact our members directly for more information on their services and products or you may also contact us with any enquiries. We look forward to facilitating strategic alliances, partnerships and business networking with MOGSC members.
Warm Regards,
The Malaysian Oil, Gas & Energy Services Council (MOGSC)